Slide Scan
We scan your slides on a Epson V600 flatbed scanner 800dpi. This gives you a resolution that can be used to print larger sizes such as 8x10. Slides are cleaned off and scanned to get every detail and color from the original slide. The resulting photo has the same colors and detail as the original slide.
If you have captions/descriptions for your slides, and you want them saved to the digital scan, we can do that by adding the description to the metadata of the scan of the slide. This will help identify your photos for generations of family and friends in the future. Metadata is, simply, digital information that resides "inside" of your photo. This identifying information travels with your scanned slide so that when you move it to another device, share it, or post it online, the data travels with the photo. We can do this for an extra 5 cents per slide.
We can also add a caption to the actual photo so it shows on the photo when displayed. There may be times that photos need to identify people, especially if the photos are in public display. We can do this for an extra 5 cents per slide.
There are numerous storage options to save your newly scanned slides to. Starting with the older methods of CD or DVD, to the newer options like flash drives, Flickr or the Cloud. The easier access to the photos for you, the easier it will be for you to email, Tweet, Facebook, and Instagram all the old photos from yester year.
Sort your slides into chronological order. Rubber band or string them together. Put a sticky note on the pile indicating year, title, any special name. Print out our Slide Project Pricing Form located on our Ordering page. Fill out the form and include it with your slides.
If you are dropping off your slides at our home/office, see instructions on the order form you are filling out for your project on how/where to drop off. If not, place slides along with your order form in a strong box, packed to hold your slides secure. Your local Post Office has boxes that can be purchased to hold your slides for shipment. Make sure to send us an email ([email protected]) stating that you are sending the slides. Send your box to the following address:
RDM Digital
119 North Washington
New Ulm MN 56073
If you have captions/descriptions for your slides, and you want them saved to the digital scan, we can do that by adding the description to the metadata of the scan of the slide. This will help identify your photos for generations of family and friends in the future. Metadata is, simply, digital information that resides "inside" of your photo. This identifying information travels with your scanned slide so that when you move it to another device, share it, or post it online, the data travels with the photo. We can do this for an extra 5 cents per slide.
We can also add a caption to the actual photo so it shows on the photo when displayed. There may be times that photos need to identify people, especially if the photos are in public display. We can do this for an extra 5 cents per slide.
There are numerous storage options to save your newly scanned slides to. Starting with the older methods of CD or DVD, to the newer options like flash drives, Flickr or the Cloud. The easier access to the photos for you, the easier it will be for you to email, Tweet, Facebook, and Instagram all the old photos from yester year.
Sort your slides into chronological order. Rubber band or string them together. Put a sticky note on the pile indicating year, title, any special name. Print out our Slide Project Pricing Form located on our Ordering page. Fill out the form and include it with your slides.
If you are dropping off your slides at our home/office, see instructions on the order form you are filling out for your project on how/where to drop off. If not, place slides along with your order form in a strong box, packed to hold your slides secure. Your local Post Office has boxes that can be purchased to hold your slides for shipment. Make sure to send us an email ([email protected]) stating that you are sending the slides. Send your box to the following address:
RDM Digital
119 North Washington
New Ulm MN 56073